When will you accompany me for a movie as you say before....

霸王 的头像

Is been a while since the last post as I was 'kinda' busy for the coming CNY ^^ and not forget of mentioning my beloved cousin sis's new borned baby 'Lok yi'... She is just so cute, till I feel like give her a bite...XD

Back to topic, today I actually went for a movie 'InkHeart' with my sis
and it was that amazing + adventurers~

Can you imagine of having that magic by reading out something out from the books, where you can even have cinderella running or rapunzel, bags of golds dropping like H*** and someone devil from elsewhere ....is just so cool! As you watch further on, you will realize that the 'ali baba' guy named-Farid, he is just so brilliant and he actually something else~ make sure you check it out.

At the end of movie, I like that scene where the girl Maggie being asked by her father Mo. to continue writing for the story to end up the unwanted devil spirit.

Imagine that we could actually be a 'silver tongue', we can even rule our own destiny. Yaiksss~too much of craps ..we live as where we belong and be glad with what you are given today, tomorrow and future.

[ When will you accompany me for a movie as you say before.... ]

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Dconan 的头像



就是$从天空掉下来,Alibaba 也奇怪的从天而降!还有,长发姑娘你的头发好长哦!

情郎,你回来吧!....是!老婆,不管将死翘翘的我还有多少日子,My love will get me home...(感动! T.T)



既然,要幻想那么就应该大胆一点嘛...妞妞讷讷...算什么男人! 对付姓王名八蛋的人就应该用你的什么tongue啊?去收拾它们!还要别人来提醒..笨!简直浪费时间!一寸光阴,一寸粪(适合你吧)...XD

正经时刻: 我觉得有点浪费这套戏了!就因为什么负面影响(你近来,我出去),让这套戏不能完完全全发挥它的精神!(纯属我个人意见)^^'

Dconan | 星期五, 30/01/2009 - 3:37pm